Sunday, March 13, 2011

மனம் தான் மனிதவாழ்வின் விளைநிலம். அதை செம்மையாக வைத்துக் கொண்டால் வாழ்வு வளம் பெறும்.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Things To Know

The right to live is the birthright of every person. Everyone lives only through the mutual help and cooperation of the society. Hence, one should know how to live in a way that doesn’t result in problems either to self or others, in present or in future, and results in a peaceful life. The human race has passed through several ages-ages when the understanding of consciousness and the education to develop such knowledge were non-existent. Even then, humanity realized the need to protect the society through controlling and restricting individuals.